Courses & Descriptions


Curriculum Development, Innovation, and Evaluation (3 Units)

This course provides candidates the opportunity to explore current innovations in teaching and learning as well as to examine their own teaching style in order to better meet the needs of diverse learners. The content of this course includes Models of Teaching and provides an in-depth analysis of Behavioral, Information Processing, Personal and Social models. Candidates also examine the principles and problems of pedagogy, curriculum development, procedures for evaluation of curriculum and curricular innovation, and methods for stimulating changes in teaching and learning environments.


Using Technology to Enhance Teaching and Learning (3 Units)

This course provides candidates the additional preparation they need to be fluent, critical users of technology, able to provide a relevant education to those who seek life-long learning in an information-based, interactive society. Candidates make appropriate and efficient use of software applications and related media to access and evaluate information, analyze and solve problems, and communicate ideas in order to maximize the instructional process. The use of technology supports teaching and learning regardless of individual learning style, socioeconomic background, culture, ethnicity, or geographic location. Candidates integrate technology-related tools into the educational experience of students, including those with special needs. Using technology resources and guidance of the instructor, candidates will access and evaluate information, analyze and solve problems, and communicate ideas in order to maximize the instructional process through the development of a related integrated technology project. Candidates in enrolled in the Reading and Literacy Added Authorization must complete the project in an area of reading and/or literacy development.


Culturally Inclusive Environments: Instruction and Advocacy (3 Units)

This course develops candidates’ knowledge, skills, and dispositions regarding cultural competence and sensitivity inclusive of personal awareness, culturally inclusive instruction, culturally inclusive counseling, advocating for diverse populations across the lifespan, in roles that eliminate biases, creating culturally inclusive environments. (May be substituted for GED 6009.)


Advanced Practice for English Learners (3 Units)

This course develops candidates’ knowledge, skills, and dispositions in the foundations of English language literacy development, content instruction, and understanding for communities with diverse language and cultural backgrounds. Candidates will develop an understanding of the process of English language literacy and content instruction development with an emphasis on Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) and English Language Development (ELD). Candidates will focus on the effective process of instructional planning and organization, components of effective instructional delivery, and the effective use of resources.


Family Systems (3 Units)

This course provides candidates with an understanding of the interdependence among family members, including how family members conceptualize their roles and position in the family unit. This course equips candidates to work collaboratively with families toward successful academic development and personal/social issues such as positive self-esteem. Candidates learn the meaning of family systems theory and how it applies to school counselors as they execute their roles and responsibilities in schools today. Candidates gain an understanding of parents’ rights in the educational process, enabling them to better meet their needs. Candidates learn how to coordinate prevention education training among multidisciplinary teams that include family participants.


Equitable and Socially Just School Communities (3 Units)

This course provides an opportunity for the candidate to learn how to work effectively as a leader with the entire school community. Candidates will understand and address the diverse expectations, needs, aspirations, and goals of family and community groups and learn how to mobilize community resources in planning and decision-making for student achievement. The program offers the candidate an opportunity to examine and evaluate their attitudes toward people of different races, cultures, and ethnic backgrounds as well as examine their attitudes towards sexual orientation and individuals with disabilities so they will be effective leaders in a diverse setting and value individuals from different family structures, religions, races, cultures, socio-economic statuses, and ethnic backgrounds, and treat them with fairness and respect. Candidates will learn theories, practices, and application of restorative justice and social justice models.


Advanced Research-Based Literacy Instruction for All Students (3 Units)

This course explores research and best practices related to systematic literacy development at all grade levels and the curriculum to address the specific needs of diverse groups of students. Candidates will learn components of research-based literacy instruction, including oral language development, word analysis, fluency, vocabulary development, listening and reading comprehension, and written language development. Emphasis is given to strengthening skills in aligning State Standards, contents of the California Preschool Learning Foundations and Frameworks (Volume 1) and the California Reading/Language Arts Framework, and assessment results with the selection and appropriate use of instructional strategies, materials and programs.

Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Reading and Literacy Added Authorization (RLAA) Program.


Advanced Literacy Assessment, Instruction, and Intervention for All Students (3 Units)

This course teaches candidates how to implement, manage, and evaluate explicit instruction of comprehension strategies and study strategies, literary response and analysis skills, and all components of the writing process. Candidates focus on providing universal access to narrative and expository texts (including content area textbooks and multicultural literature). Emphasis is given to creating a culture of literacy by aligning State Standards and assessment results with the selection and appropriate use of instructional programs, intervention strategies, and appropriate materials based on current research in literacy. Candidates will have a concurrent experience in a PreK-12 fieldwork setting in order to complete assignments and apply their skills.

Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Reading and Literacy Added Authorization (RLAA) Program.


Philosophy in Education (3 Units)

This course is designed to guide and support graduate candidates in teaching and learning, counseling, and administration in clarifying a functional personal philosophy of education by extending, refining, and constructively applying their knowledge of the dominating philosophies of education. This course will provide candidates with an overview of both classical and contemporary philosophies and theories of education. The course includes introduction of Judeo-Christian tradition (especially the Wesleyan perspective) and how this tradition informs the discipline and can provide a framework for interaction between and among educators, students, support staff, parents, and culturally diverse traditions and school communities. The emphasis of study in this course leads to the development of a Personal Educational Philosophy for each candidate through focused reading, enhanced critical thinking skills, encouraging meaningful personal and professional reflection, and providing for formative shared thought.


Educational Measurement and Evaluation (3)

Study of validity and accuracy of examinations and marking systems across age spans and educational venues; use of statistical procedures to interpret test results; nature, function and use of standardized tests and authentic assessment including portfolio methods for diagnosis and guidance; brief overview of educational research methods.

Master of Arts


Action Research Project (3 Units)  

This course is designed to explicitly support Master of Arts degree candidates to learn the process of action research and apply it to an educational setting. Candidates learn the iterative process of plan, assess, reflect, and apply and use research methodology and data collection to an issue of practice. The final action research project integrates the candidate’s learning in the program with a field-based project that draws conclusions that are practical, relevant, and are reflective questions of the candidate’s teaching or leadership experience.


Action Research Project and Presentation (3 Units)

This course is designed to complement GED 6094, giving the candidate an opportunity to share the action research results obtained in GED 6094 and develop a portfolio of the candidate’s learning in the Master of Arts program. Candidates work with a mentor instructor to complete the portfolio and prepare a presentation of both the portfolio and the action research project. At the end of the course, candidates deliver a public presentation of their work.

Prerequisite(s): GED 6094

Master of Science


Master of Science Thesis Design (3 Units)

This course is designed to explicitly support Master of Science degree candidates in developing and internalizing the essential knowledge, skills, and dispositions to conduct an investigation of primary sources. The course is intended to demonstrate the candidate’s ability to work independently on a problem, to demonstrate wide familiarity with the literature in the field of the program, to demonstrate command of the techniques and principles of research and to demonstrate ability to form valid generalizations from the data used. The candidate’s learning and research previously conducted in the required Master’s level coursework serve as the foundation for developing essential thesis topics. Enrollment spans one semester and must be at the end of the candidate’s coursework and can be concurrent with other coursework.


Master of Science Thesis  (3 Units)

This course is designed to explicitly support Master of Science candidates in developing the written thesis product and the oral presentation of the research project developed during the GED 6098 course. A faculty mentor is assigned to each candidate to complete a written product and oral presentation representing the research process, which may include implementation and reporting results of an original research and/or experience in an educational environment. Enrollment spans one semester and is required immediately following the successful completion of GED 6098. Continuous enrollment is required each semester until the thesis is completed.

May be repeated. Credit/No Credit.
Prerequisite(s): GED 6098

Degree Total Units: 36