Higher Education Fieldwork Requirements

Higher Education candidates will be required to complete 335 hours of fieldwork.  The prerequisite for fieldwork is the successful completion of the seminar course, GED 6171S or GED 6181S, and securing an approved internship. The Higher Education Program Director oversees the fieldwork placement of Higher Education candidates and works closely with students to locate sites that will provide experiences aligned with program and student goals. The Site Supervisor is a professional in the area of college counseling or student development in a higher education setting who has been in their role for a minimum of 2 years.  University Supervisors monitor and evaluate the candidate’s fieldwork experience providing support and advocacy as needed.

NEW Higher Education Fieldwork Requirements

35 hours aligned with assignments through course work. Intended to help strengthen candidates’ knowledge in specific areas of student development/student affairs.

50 hours of practica in GED 6171S or GED 6181S Seminar. Seminar is a prereq for fieldwork. Practica is pre-fieldwork activities intended to prepare candidates for their fieldwork placement.

250 hours of fieldwork over two semesters: 125 + 125 = 250.

Fieldwork Courses:

GED 6171A or GED 6181A (Prerequisite GED 6171S or GED 6181S)

GED 6171B or GED6181B (Prerequisite GED 6171A or GED 6181A)

Higher Education Fieldwork hours must include activities that involve:

  • Leadership
  • Direct student contact
  • Planning, designing, and/or participation in student activity offerings

Ferpa Training

All candidates completing fieldwork must complete a Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) training prior to beginning fieldwork.
Click here to complete the training and make sure to register with the Department of Education
  • Higher Education students: FERPA 101: Colleges and Universities

Be sure to submit your Certificate of Completion to soeforms@pointloma.edu.

Prerequisites for Fieldwork

Eligibility for fieldwork is based on completion of the following requirements:

Professional Liability Insurance

Higher Education candidates must provide evidence of personal liability insurance that does not expire while they are enrolled in fieldwork units.  Liability insurance is included in your student membership in the American Counseling Association.

Other Fieldwork Requirements

Institutions may require fieldwork candidates to do a background check or submit a health clearance before approval for placement is given.


Transportation for candidates to Fieldwork sites is NOT provided by PLNU or the School of Education. The candidate must provide their own transportation. Fieldwork placements will not be based on transportation or carpooling needs.

Use of Current Work Experience in Place of Fieldwork hours

Higher Education candidates who are employed full-time in a higher education setting may not use their full-time employment hours as fieldwork hours.  However, if the candidate wants to enhance their skills and professional development in their current area of employment, they may do tasks and projects that are outside of their current role and scope with approval from the Higher Education Program Director.

Fieldwork Expectations

  • Students should be checking their PLNU email accounts regularly.
  • Students shall conform to, and operate within, the standards, procedures, dress code, and policies of the hosting college/organization.
  • Students will conduct her/himself in a professional manner and adhere to the code of ethics of the college counseling or student affairs profession.
  • Students shall seek assistance from Site Supervisors and/or Fieldwork Experience Coordinator when dealing with unfamiliar, difficult, or high-risk situations or cases.
  • According to FERPA laws and regulations, all college records or individual files must always be treated with the highest legal and ethical standards. This includes the generation, maintenance, sharing, transfer and destruction of all records and files.
  • It is the Candidate’s responsibility to keep copies of all documents related to fieldwork as well as upload them in a timely manner into Taskstream. Failure to do so can result in delays or other problems related receiving a grade or credit.

Professionalism: Expectations for Higher Education Candidates in Fieldwork

  • Initiative:  Initiates activities when appropriate; does not wait to be asked or told when to begin an anticipated task.
  • Dependability:  Follows through on tasks and completes assignments in a timely manner.
  • Time Management/Work Organization:  Organizes work and manages time effectively.
  • Problem-Solving/Critical Thinking:  Thinks critically; effectively analyzes problem situations and conceptualizes alternative approaches/solutions.
  • Respect for Human Diversity: Respects all aspects of human differences; demonstrates the sensitivity and skills needed to work with diverse populations.
  • Oral and Written Communications:  Expresses self orally and writes in an organized, clear fashion.
  • Attending/Listening Skills:  Attends to important communications; listens attentively.
  • Effective Interpersonal Relations:  Relates effectively to all colleagues
  • Teamwork/Independence:  Works well with others; collaborates effectively on assignments/projects and functions with minimal supervision when appropriate.
  • Adaptability/Flexibility:  Adapts effectively to the demands of a situation; is sufficiently flexible to deal with change.
  • Responsiveness to Supervision/Feedback:   Is open to supervision/feedback and responds to such appropriately
  • Self-Awareness:  Shows realistic awareness of strengths and weaknesses and impact this has on professional functioning and relationships with others.