The PLNU induction program, the Clear Administrative Services Credential (CASC) consists of 8-semester units of coursework that includes a continuous a final completion of an Individual Induction Plan (IIP), required to track fieldwork in their educational administration setting designed to facilitate the application of theoretical concepts into practical settings. The two (2)-year Clear Credential program consists of one-to-one coaching, online learning modules, and opportunities to interact with colleagues and professors online and in person. Significant intensive fieldwork experiences occur in their workplace to perform a wide range of the typical responsibilities of a full-time administrator all related to the required California Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (CPSELs). The individualized Clear Administrative Services Credential (CASC) program is designed to facilitate the induction and professional development of beginning administrators and to fulfill the CTC requirements for the CASC. The program is a collaborative endeavor with the candidate, the university coach, and the site mentor. The program is coaching-based, highly individualized, and offers learning opportunities based on site work expectations, needs, interests, and career goals. The candidate will also participate in a final capstone project presentation to share growth in a chosen CPSEL(s) that is developed over time within courses GEL 7012, 7014, and 7016 with the final presentation given in GEL 7018. Evidence of growth is taken from assessments over the course of the program from the CPSEL Competency Assessment Rubric, the Individual Induction Plan, the Dispositions of Noble Character, and reflections and discussions with the University Coach and District Mentor. The Capstone Project is required for completion of the clear credential. Fieldwork experiences include intensive experiences both in the day-to-day functions of administration and in longer-term policy design and implementation.