The Master of Arts/Master of Science (MA/MS) in Educational Administration and Preliminary Administrative Services Credential (PASC) consists of 24-credential units of coursework that includes 180 hours of required fieldwork in an educational administration setting designed to facilitate the application of theoretical concepts into practical settings. To obtain the MA/MS, the requirement is a total of 36 units. Significant intensive fieldwork experiences occur in at least one setting in which the candidate is able to perform a wide range of the typical responsibilities of a full-time administrator. The candidate is also encouraged to engage in two meaningful fieldwork experiences in a setting that is other than the candidate’s regular assignment and which includes a diverse student population. Fieldwork experiences include intensive experiences both in the day-to-day functions of administration and in longer-term policy design and implementation. Fieldwork experiences involve closely supervised, planned activities in partnership schools and include nearly all major duties and responsibilities authorized by the credential, under the supervision of persons credentialed to perform those duties, and by instructional faculty designated by the approved institution of higher learning. Emphasis shall be given to the quality and scope of the designated programs of the school district and the preparation institution. Part of fieldwork includes the state-required CalAPA and is structured around three full leadership cycles with each of the three (3) cycles containing four (4) distinct components: Investigate, Plan, Act and Reflect. In each of these four (4) steps, candidates must provide evidence of leadership practice according to specific requirements within the respective cycle. Acceptable evidence may be in a variety of forms, including video recordings and written narratives. Each of the major components of the three (3) cycles is supported in PLNU coursework in order to prepare candidates to address the CalAPAs. The MA/MS coursework is completely online and the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential is offered completely online or face-to-face if the candidate is located in the Bakersfield, California area.