Note: Please refer to the advising guide that corresponds to the catalog year in which you first attended PLNU.
Advising Guides
Credential Planning
Test Preparation
These resources are provided to help you prepare to meet credential requirements. It is the candidate’s responsibility meet these requirements with attention to applicable due dates.
California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST)
Candidates must take this at the conclusion of EDU in order to proceed to EDU306.
Must be passed before Clinical Practice placement can be made.
California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET)
Depending on your credential plan, you will need to either take the multiple-subject or a subject specific CSET Exam.
If you are a Multiple Subject, Art, or Math major you fall under the CSET Waiver meaning this test is not required. If that does not apply to you meet with your advisor to discuss when you need to take the CSET.
Single Subject Blended Programs
Note: Please refer to the advising guide that corresponds to the catalog year in which you first attended PLNU.