Student California Teachers Association

SCTA Mission Statement

Our mission is to encourage, build community, mentor, & provide opportunities for professional growth for aspiring teachers.

Our local PLNU chapter represents one branch of this statewide organization.

Membership in the Student California Teacher’s Association provides you with access to education seminars, community service opportunities, and community-building events. Membership generally runs during a Fall-Spring school year, starting in late August and expiring in June. Join SCTA today!

SCTA Mentor/Mentee Program

Students are encouraged to participate in the SCTA mentor/mentee program. Mentors can answer your questions about registration, using the portal, and general info about PLNU life!

SCTA Leaders

President: Maddy Wicks
Vice-President:  Kendall Gray
Treasurer: Tania Beltran
Communications: Nicole Smith
Event Coordinators: Ellie Fuller and Jazzy Schofield-Smith
Faculty Advisor: Jen Lineback

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