Clinical Practice Seminar 1 (1 unit)
This seminar course supports the Clinical Practice I experience through classroom inquiry and reflection on the general education curriculum and California standards, including the principles of effective classroom management, teaching methods, differentiation of instruction, lesson planning and delivery, and parent communication. Emphasis is placed on the modification of lessons and instructional support of English learners, diverse learners, and learners with exceptionalities. Candidates explore school and community demographics and consider methods for teaching diverse populations.
Corequisite(s): EDU 6030, EDU 6032, EDU 6040, EDU 6042, EDU 6070M, EDU 6070S, EDU 6072M, EDU 6072S
Fee: A TPA Assessment fee is attached to this course.
All candidates who are preparing for their first preliminary credential must enroll in EDU 60CP1 during their first clinical practice placement and EDU 60CP2 during the second placement.
Credential Only Total Units: 33
Action Research Project and Presentation (3 Units)
Degree Total Units: 48
*Choose either GED6068 or GED6041