Methods of Teaching Secondary Language Arts (3 Units)
This methodology course is designed to prepare prospective secondary-level (Grades 7- 12) candidates for successful teaching of language arts. Candidates become familiar with a variety of specific methods to use in teaching literature, composition, and language. The topics explored include the following: trends in English curriculum development, the six-trait writing process, assessment, classroom application of various forms of technology, and professional organizations. Instruction is aligned to the state adopted English Language Arts California State Standards (7-12) and the California English Language Development Standards. This course includes intentional practice of classroom management, active and equitable participation for culturally, ethnically, linguistically and academically diverse learners, lesson planning, and formative assessment to differentiate instruction for all learners. Modifications for diverse learners and learners with exceptionalities are researched.
Equivalent to EDT 4032 or LIT 5035 Methods of Teaching English (3). PLNU students who complete EDT 4032 or LIT 5035 are exempt from taking EDU 6022 for their preliminary single-subject credential program but must replace it with three (3) units of a graduate-level elective for the MAT degree.
Credential Only Total Units: 33
Action Research Project and Presentation (3 Units)
Degree Total Units: 48
*Choose either GED6068 or GED6041