
Clinical Practice

Throughout each of your clinical practice phases, you will use a virtual or physical binder to store all clinical practice forms. Please make this binder available for your university supervisor at each observation.

At the end of each clinical practice phase, you will upload many of these forms to your university supervisor via Taskstream.

CP Binder

Clinical Practice

Throughout both of your clinical practice phases, you will track the time spent in the classroom each day using this form. Hours that are logged by the teacher candidate should include direct contact with students, Co-planning with a veteran, department meetings, working with a veteran teacher on grading, analyzing student work, reflecting on lessons and planning for the needs of individual students. General lesson planning done independently or hours spent supervising extra-curricular activities should not be included in the logged hours.

You will store this form in your binder for the duration of the experience. At the end of each phase, you will submit the form to your university supervisor via Taskstream.

Clinical Practice Log

Daily Lesson

Each day that you spend in the classroom, you will complete one lesson plan using this form. You do not need to complete a daily lesson plan for any day on which you are formally observed by your cooperating teacher or your university supervisor.

Throughout your experience, you will submit your daily lesson plans via Taskstream to your university supervisor every other Friday by 5 PM.

If you would like to use a daily lesson plan format provided by your school or district, please reach out to the director of your campus for approval.

Daily Lesson Plan

Formal Lesson/Unit

You will be formally observed by your university supervisor four (4) times during each phase. If you are a traditional candidate (not an intern), you will also be formally observed by your cooperating teacher three (3) times. For each formal observation, you will complete a lesson plan using the UDL Lesson Plan. You will submit the form to your university supervisor and/or cooperating teacher at least 24 hours before each observation.

You will store these forms in your binder for the duration of the experience. At the end of each phase, you will submit all of these forms to your university supervisor via Taskstream.

Please note: On the template, you will find a how-to video, sample lesson, and rubric.

UDL Instructional Plan 2.0UDL Instructional Plan

Analysis & Reflection
Conference Guide

You will be formally observed by your university supervisor four (4) times during each phase. If you are a traditional candidate (not an intern), you will also be formally observed by your cooperating teacher three (3) times. After each formal observation, you will reflect on your lesson and lesson plan using this form.

You will store these forms in your binder for the duration of the experience. At the end of each phase, you will submit all of these forms to your university supervisor via Taskstream.

Analysis & Conference Reflection Guide

Co-Teaching Instructional
Planning Sheet

Use this form as a cover page for any lesson plan (daily, formal or formative) in which co-teaching is utilized.

Co-Teaching Instructional Planning SheetCo-Teaching Strategies & Examples

End-of-Placement Reflection:
Cooperating Teacher

If you are a traditional candidate (not an intern), you will be sent a Taskstream survey via email to complete at the end of each phase. The survey will ask you to reflect on your experience with your cooperating teacher. You may download the form here beforehand to view the questions and possible responses.

End-of-Placement Reflection: Cooperating Teacher

End-of-Placement Reflection:
University Supervisor

At the end of each phase, you will be sent a Taskstream survey via email to complete. The survey will ask you to reflect on your experience with your university supervisor. You may download the form here beforehand to view the questions and possible responses.

End-of-Placement Reflection: University Supervisor


At the end of each phase, you will log into Taskstream and complete the Self-Assessment Disposition form. Phase I candidates will complete EDU60CP1, and Phase II candidates will complete EDU60CP2.


Weekly Progress and Reflection
Report (Traditional Only)

If you are a traditional teacher candidate (not an intern), your cooperating teacher will use this form to reflect weekly on your time in the classroom.

You will store these forms in your binder during the clinical practice phase. Upon completion of the phase, you will submit all of these forms to your university supervisor via Taskstream.

Weekly Progress and Reflection Report (Traditional Only)

Individual Development Plan

At the conclusion of your final phase of clinical practice, you will complete your individual development plan alongside your university supervisor.  This plan is then submitted to your university supervisor via Taskstream, as well as to your professor EDU 60CP2 via Canvas.

Individual Development Plan

Competency Forms

You will provide this competency assessment form to the teacher candidate at the beginning of each phase. At the end of the phase, the teacher candidate will submit the competency form to you via Taskstream.  By the end of phase 2, the teacher candidate must show competency in each aspect of the competency form.

Multiple Subject Competency Form

For multiple subject candidates, you will complete the competency form.

Multiple Subject History Assessment
Multiple Subject Physical Education Assessment 
Multiple Subject Science Assessment 
Multiple Subject Visual and Performing Arts Assessment 

SPED Competency Form

For SPED candidates, you will complete the competency form.

Mild/Mod Form

Extensive Support Needs

Ed Specialist Dual Mild/Moderate and Mod/Severe Credential Form

Single Subject Competency Form

For single subject candidates, you will complete the competency form.

Art Assessment
Business Education Assessment
Health Science Assessment
Home Economics Assessment
Language Arts Assessment
Mathematics Assessment
Music Assessment
Physical Education Assessment
Science Assessment
Social Science Assessment
World Languages Assessment