Applying for Your Credential/Degree
Applying for Your Credential:
Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Education Specialist Credential:
Administrative Services Credential:
Pupil Personnel Services Credential:
Added Authorization in Special Education:
Applying for your Degree Posting:
Please make sure to follow all instructions sent to your PLNU email by the Records office to apply for degree posting. If you wish to apply for participation in Commencement, you must also submit this application.
Once final grades for all degree required courses have been posted to your Workday account, Credential Analysts will review your records and submit a degree posting request to the Records Department. There is no action you need to take. Our team will notify you when your degree has been sent to our Records office for posting. Once this occurs, it will take 4-6 weeks for your Degree to be posted and you will be contacted by Records via your PLNU email when it has been posted. Official transcripts can be requested here.