School Counseling

Summary for School Counseling Gates:

In this page, you will find a brief overview about what our 6-Unit and 12-Unit Gates are, and why they are in place. To learn in more detail about these Progression Policies, please review your program’s Handbook. located in the PLNU SOE website.

Gate Requirements for:

Master of Arts/Science in School Counseling, Pupil Personnel Services Credential Candidates

There are 4 Gates total that you will pass through while completing your program. The purpose of these Gates is to ensure that you successfully complete the program and earn your Master’s and Pupil Personnel Services Credential. If you do not meet the requirements of a Gate you will receive a warning or be stopped from continuing in your program until the Gate requirements have been fully met.

Gate deadlines specific to you are listed on your program plan in the Quad I additional information and/or Semester additional information in red text. Please make sure to know when your deadlines are and be proactive in completing the Gate requirements. Gate 3 is the 6-Unit Gate and Gate 4 is the 12-Unit Gate.

Gate 3: Upon completion of 6 units


Successful completion of 6 units (C or better)
Six (6) PLNU credential units successfully completed
Successful submission of students Certificate of Clearance (COC) from the CTC Successful submission of other required prerequisites
Warning Letter if Gate 3 Requirements Not Met

If one or more of the above criteria are not satisfied, the candidate will receive an “at-risk” notification letter via PLNU email. This letter will not stop you from continuing in your current or future classes.

Gate 4: Upon completion of 12 units


12 PLNU credential units successfully completed
Successful submission of Certificate of Clearance (COC) from CTC
Successful submission of other prerequisite requirements
STOP Letter if Gate 4 Requirements Not Met

If one or more of the above criteria are not satisfied, the candidate will receive a “stop” notification letter via PLNU email. The candidate may not register for any further classes until the requirements for Gate 4 have been satisfied.