Registration Clearance Information

Hello Candidates! This page is designated to break down what the Registration Process is including the Registration Clearance Form fill-out process.

Note: If after reviewing our resources, and our Registration/Clearance FAQs page, you still have pending questions, please reach out to your respective Advising Team!

The Registration Clearance Form
  • Every semester, all Candidates from all programs are required to submit a Registration Clearance Form in order to register for courses. You will be sent multiple emails ahead of registration period in order to fill out your clearance form. In those email communications, you will be notified when the Registration Clearance Form is due, when Web Registration opens, and when the Priority Registration Deadline is for the coming semester.
    • Web Registration = Time period allocated for you to register for courses on Workday.
        • To view your designated Web Registration date and time, go to Workday, click “Academics,” then click “View my Registration Appointments” and you will see the time frame of your Web Registration.
    • Priority Registration Deadline = Deadline to reach out to your respective Advising Team to let them know your course(s) are full.
  • You must receive clearance from your Student Success Advisor prior to enrolling in your courses each semester. If you do not fill out the form and obtain a “You are Cleared to Register!” email, you will not be able to register for courses.
  • Late submission of this form will prevent you from registering at your designated Web Registration date and time!
The Registration Process
  • Once your Web Registration date and time opens, you are going to register for ALL your courses for the coming semester. This includes your Quad 1, Quad 2, and any semester-courses you may have using the GOLD calendar as this is for our Graduate students. Make sure you ALWAYS click the “Register” button, not “Add to Schedule” otherwise you will not be correctly enrolled in your courses.
  • For Bakersfield Campus Location Students:
    • For in-person courses, you are going to look for courses with “B” and “K” at the end of them (Ex: EDU6003-B1 or EDU6003-K1).
      • B= Bakersfield which are Quad 1 or Semester-long courses.
      • K= Comes after the B in Bakersfield which are Quad 2 courses.
      • The numbers next to the B’s and K’s are sections for the course. If a section of that course is full, you can look for the same course but a different section (Ex: EDU6003-B2, EDU6003-B3 or EDU6003-K2, EDU6003-K4).
    • For online courses, you are going to look for courses with “ON” if they are Online Asynchronous, and “ONS” if they are Online Synchronous.
      • ON= Online Asynchronous courses with no specific meeting time but you have deadlines for assignments you must meet.
      • ONS= Online Synchronous courses with a specific meeting time, once a week from 4:30pm-9:00pm via Zoom.
      • The numbers next to the ON and ONS courses are sections AND the quads they are offered. It is very important to be careful with online courses because the numbers determine the quad you will take them. Odd numbers are Quad 1 courses (Ex: GED6030-ON1, EDU6061-ONS1) and even numbers are Quad 2 courses (Ex: GED6041-ON2, EDU6064-ONS2).
  • For Mission Valley Campus Location Students:
    • For in-person courses, you are going to look for courses with “M” and “V” at the end of them (Ex: EDU6003-M1 or EDU6003-V1).
      • M= Mission which are Quad 1 or Semester-long courses.
      • V= Valley which are Quad 2 courses.
      • The numbers next to the M’s and V’s are sections for the course. If a section of that course is full, you can look for the same course but a different section (Ex: EDU6003-M2, EDU6003-M3 or EDU6003-V2, EDU6003-V4).
    • For online courses, you are going to look for courses with “ON” if they are Online Asynchronous, and “ONS” if they are Online Synchronous.
      • ON= Online Asynchronous courses with no specific meeting time but you have deadlines for assignments you must meet.
      • ONS= Online Synchronous courses with a specific meeting time, once a week from 4:30pm-9:00pm via Zoom.
      • The numbers next to the ON and ONS courses are sections AND the quads they are offered. It is very important to be careful with online courses because the numbers determine the quad you will take them. Odd numbers are Quad 1 courses (Ex: GED6030-ON1, EDU6061-ONS1) and even numbers are Quad 2 courses (Ex: GED6041-ON2, EDU6064-ONS2).
  • For Online Campus Location Students:
    • You are going to look only for courses with “ON” if they are Online Asynchronous, and “ONS” if they are Online Synchronous.
      • ON= Online Asynchronous courses with no specific meeting time but you have deadlines for assignments you must meet.
      • ONS= Online Synchronous courses with a specific meeting time, once a week from 4:30pm-9:00pm via Zoom.
      • The numbers next to the ON and ONS courses are sections AND the quads they are offered. It is very important to be careful with online courses because the numbers determine the quad you will take them. Odd numbers are Quad 1 courses (Ex: GED6030-ON1, EDU6061-ONS1) and even numbers are Quad 2 courses (Ex: GED6041-ON2, EDU6064-ONS2).
Full Courses/Waitlists
  • If you are trying to register for a course and you notice it is full, please reach out to your respective Advising Team to be added to a waitlist for that course. As long as you reach out before the Priority Registration Deadline, we will guarantee you a spot in your course. If you reach out to us after the Priority Registration Deadline, we will try our best to see if a seat becomes available for you but you may have to take it at a later time in your program plan. To avoid this, make sure you register as soon as your Web Registration date and time opens!